What is HHC?
The first HHC was created in 1944 by American chemist Roger Adams by mixing hydrogen atoms with Delta-9 THC. Through a process known as hydrogenation (HHC), THC is converted into hexahydrocannabinol. Cannabinoid synthesis is not the only application of hydrogenation. Similar steps are used to create margarine from vegetable oil. Although it has long been known that HHC is a close relative of THC, cannabis users have rarely discussed this. HHC is a minor cannabinoid that naturally exists in cannabis, but it is present in far too small amounts for extraction to be useful. Due to the fact that it’s commercial production has just started, HHC is still not widely known. Adams produced HHC from THC obtained from conventional cannabis, but nowadays, the cannabinoid is commonly produced using a method that starts with hemp, the low-THC cannabis plant that Congress legalized under the 2018 agriculture bill. By altering the molecular chemistry, the vast majority of cannabinoids can be changed into other cannabinoids. Delta 8 THC and Delta 10 THC are made similarly to commercial HHC made in a laboratory using chemical processes using CBD that is derived from hemp. One significant legal advantage that HHC has over Delta 8 and Delta 10 is that it does not have THC in its name.HHC: Can It Make You Fail A Drug Test?
If you are aware that you will soon be tested for drugs, you should refrain from using HHC. Given its chemical similarities to THC, HHC will metabolize into many of the same substances as THC, including THC-COOH, one of the main markers used to identify THC in a sample of saliva, blood, or urine. The hair can also contain this substance, but these tests are less reliable. Online, there is a lot of information claiming that HHC is resistant to drug testing in some way. Unfortunately, the evidence for this is scant, and the evidence for the contrary is mounting. The quantity of use matters. Users of HHC frequently need to stop using it at least two weeks prior to the test, or else they run the risk of failing it. It might only take three days for those who have never used HHC. If you're concerned about the results of your drug test, you can take some HHC the day before your at-home drug test to see the results, but you should stop taking it a few days or a week after your official drug test. We highly recommend not taking any HHC at all if you are planning on taking a drug test soon.Can HHC Stay In Your System For A Long Time?
Unfortunately, no studies have been done on the effects of HHC in humans, so it is difficult to say with certainty how long HHC stays in your system. It is safe to use Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC as a baseline, though, because they are chemically related. HHC will most likely stay in the body for two to thirty days, but this is also dependent on your body type. The body's time-to-elimination of HHC can be influenced by the user's age, dosage, and individual metabolism. The amount of time that HHC remains in your system depends on a variety of variables.
What Elements Affect The Duration Of HHC In Your System?
If the biological half-life of HHC is comparable to that of Delta 8 THC, it probably lasts for about 30 minutes. In contrast, the biological half-life simply indicates how long a chemical remains in your bloodstream. How long HHC remains in your fat cells, hair, and other tissues is influenced by a number of variables.1. The More Frequently You Use HHC, The Longer It Stays In The System.
The removal of HHC from your body takes longer when you use it more frequently. You must be aware of the fact that cannabinoids are fat-soluble, meaning that your body's fat cells absorb and retain them in order to comprehend why. HHC is one of the cannabinoids that is eliminated from fat cells much more slowly than it is from the bloodstream. If HHC will start to build up in your fat cells if you use it frequently because your body won't have a chance to get rid of it. If you use HHC frequently, your body won't have an opportunity to get rid of it, which will cause it to start building up in your fat cells. Your body will get rid of HHC in about a week if you only use HHC occasionally (once or twice per week), but this may vary depending on your body type. Before HHC can be detected in the blood and urine of regular HHC users, HHC must be abstained from for two to three weeks.2. In Younger Users, HHC Is Eliminated Twice As Quickly.
As people age, their metabolisms slow down, making it more challenging for their bodies to process drugs and chemicals. Rough calculations indicate that a mid-20s person processes HHC about twice as quickly as a mid-sixties person. If a dose of HHC is absorbed by a 25-year-old in three days, it may take a 65-year-old's body a week to process and eliminate the same dose. It's important to keep in mind that these are only approximations because individual differences frequently outweigh age-related differences by a factor at least as large.3. Some People Metabolize Cannabinoids Slowly By Nature.
How quickly your body can metabolize the things you consume depends on your metabolism. In contrast to those with slow metabolisms, those with fast metabolisms experience a faster post-use decline in HHC concentrations. After the liver breaks down HHC, the kidneys expel it from the body. Depending on how quickly and effectively your liver and kidneys work, your body's capacity to break down a complex substance like HHC. Compounds that resemble THC are metabolized by your liver using the CYP3A4 enzyme. Depending on their individual levels of CYP3A4, everyone can digest HHC to varying degrees. HHC is metabolized more quickly by those with higher CYP3A4 concentrations than by those with lower concentrations.4. Smoking Or Vaping Stays In The Body For The Shortest Period Of Time.
The way HHC is delivered affects how long it stays in users' bodies, but many HHC users are unaware of this. For those worried about coming up positive on a drug test, inhaling HHC from a cartridge offers the earliest onset of effects and the quickest elimination. When inhaled, HHC enters the bloodstream quickly after passing through the lungs. It takes less time for your body to begin eliminating it from your system because your liver can begin processing it more quickly as a result. Contrarily, HHC requires twice as long for your body to process because it must first travel through the body's laborious digestive system before being absorbed into the blood.5. Higher Dose Of HHC Last Longer In The Body
Despite the fact that it may seem obvious, the amount of HHC you consume determines how long it stays in your system. There is a limit to how much HHC your liver can metabolize at once, but it does so quickly. Even if you take twice as much HHC, it won't make much of a difference after a day. It might stay in your system for an extra hour or two. The quantity of HHC also affects the length of time you feel its effects and how long it stays in your system.6. Some Medications May Delay HHC Elimination By The Body
Metabolic competition is a factor that is less visible. If you take drugs that utilize the same metabolic pathways as HHC, your body may process and eliminate both chemicals from your body much more slowly. The issue of metabolic competition arises for two reasons. First off, HHC will stay in your system longer than usual, making you more likely to test positive for drugs. The HHC might also prove to be more efficient as a result of the slower processing. The bad news is that since CYP3A4 is one of the most frequently used liver enzymes, it is very likely that most medications rely on it in some capacity. Avoiding or minimizing HHC use while taking medication is the safest course of action, especially if a drug test is soon to come. Unfortunately, it's difficult to assess the extent of this effect.Does HHC Make You High?
HHC is a psychoactive cannabinoid with effects that are comparable to Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC. HHC is also thought to be highly uplifting, making it relatively distinct from other cannabinoids. There have not been any human studies on HHC, so user reports are the only source of data on its psychoactive effects. The reports are reliable, though, so the evidence is convincing. HHC is a strong cannabinoid that produces a strong psychoactive experience. This makes sense when you consider that it is from a plant that contains high levels of cannabinoids.What Kinds Of Drug Tests Are There?
Despite the fact that urine tests are the most frequently used to check for THC use among employees, those who are legally on probation, or those who are in the military, there are other tests that can identify THC usage in various ways. Let's now talk about the numerous testing methods used on employees and on those who are required by law to submit to drug tests.-
Urine Test
Saliva Test
Hair Follicle Test
Blood Test
Sweat Test
How Do THC-O and HHC Differ?
What is HHC, And How Does It Compare to THC?